Friday 25 March 2011


MATRIC NO: PGD 10/04/2113


The objective of having correctional remand home is never to stimulate or debases in the society the prisoners but to see them sober and repent. But unfortunately the objective was lost and defeated to our prison system system through neglect and nonchalant attitude of our leaders in refurbishing the prison which has lead to unacceptable not. the situation was not so with 15 prisoners recently graduated and 20 more matriculated on the acquisition of training. the project is as added value for delivering enterprise promotion of entrepreneurship similar to other out reach programmes to the prisons which is exciting one it focus to promote our national goal of creating wealth, and even it afford us of rehabilitating non conformist people beck into the society which failure of willing their soul and remolding them to be useful in the society may still be canker worm to the society.

     the rehabilitation and re orientation and acquiring of the new skill was handle with the help and assist once from(SMEDAN) small and medium enterprises development agency of Nigeria, covenant university and prisons fellowship of Nigeria partners in this onetime project their mission is that: Never, never again. The light and hope of society must liberate the prison. if other wise, glum and frustration of prison life is not to take society captive, but the things that can better life and hope of the people is gainful self employment powered by requisite entrepreneur capacity which has make countries like china, India emerged on the world stage as economic power due to power of entrepreneurship. Today china and India are rank as second and fifth largest economics respectively. it is the power of business, know as micro, small and medium enterprises.

     the agency was established in 2003, as government direct response to tackling the challenges of the sub-sector in a co-ordinate fashion which will continue to suppose every worthy cause which add to the promotion of entrepreneurship and small business development with enthronement of the right business environment, small business will sooner than later free our economy and ourselves from the strangle hold of crude oil.
     The director general of the (SMEDAN) Muhammed Nattado Umar, who graced the occasion was of hope that the 20 matriculants will embrace the foot step. Taken by graduating in mate. in embracing the lofty project so that it could not fizzle out hurriedly, the director told the journalist present at the occasion that the agency shall stand by the matriculating prisoners for any assist once needed to make them better in the society.

     since 2007 the agency also reiterated that it has out reach to vulnerable segment of the society impacted several groups such as marginalized youths and woman, physically challenges returnee migrants and trafficked persons journalist were briefed that in a week ago in Benin-city forty (40) “returnee migrant in collaboration with international organization from migrant(iom) are undergoing training. The agencies were also at keffi prison in April 2010, SHEDAN is also active in the proposed rehabilitation programme for ex-militant youth in the Niger Delta. They also collaborated with NERFUND and micro finance bank (MFB) to ensure that they link them to affordable and long term financing for viable and creative ideas.
     director general salute the courage of the graduating in mate for their unflinching sense of mission, and that they should always remember that prison experience is only a chapter in their life, unfolding life story. it was also a chapter in the lives of the great Mahatina Gandhi of India, Nelson Mandela of south Africa and Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria. it is hope for them to follow the footstep of these great men to the renown that await only these who will not be limited by more circumstances God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.   

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